Summer represents a slower pace of life and an opportunity to look back at the year's first half to evaluate what worked and what didn't. When the days become less chaotic, we have the ability to be proactive instead of reactive. I find summer to be a wonderful time for reflection—this easy 3 step …
Tech Career Tips
5 Tips to Get and Keep the Job You Want
The US Labor of Statistics recently issued a statistic that predicts every American worker will change “careers” – not jobs but careers, at least three times throughout the course of his or her professional life. This statistic proves a new career landscape exists, and we need to learn how to …
3 Commuication Tips That Will Enhance Your Brand Image
As a former marketing professional for the technology sector, I often worked on developing branding and advertising campaigns for products and services so my transition into the personal branding industry was an easy one. Instead of working on campaigns for products, I now apply those same branding …