Most of my professional career was spent in technology marketing up until a few years ago when I decided to become a Master Certified Personal Branding Strategist. Having worked in a corporate environment with exposure to highly successful individuals, gave me some unique insights into behavior and …
Branding Blog
Why you need change
How often have you heard the saying, “Change is good?” And when you do, how often do you really believe it? Change invariably brings on a series of expected and unexpected events, so it’s not a surprise that we experience a bit of trepidation regarding the “unexpected” events. However, it’s these …
How to Have a Positive Mindset
I hope you and your loved ones stay healthy and safe during this unsettling time. I know we will all get through this with most likely a different perspective on how we live our life. I’ve seen (and read) several articles on how to be more productive during a quarantine, how to meditate more …