Entering the professional world is both exciting and intimidating. Young professionals often bring fresh ideas, energy, and a willingness to learn. However, their eagerness to succeed can unknowingly sabotage their careers. Recognizing these pitfalls is crucial for long-term success. Here are common …
Why Waiting for Your Annual Review Is Holding You Back
Raise your hand if you love receiving feedback about yourself. The truth is that unless we know for sure it's positive, we don't proactively seek feedback on a regular basis for fear of being judged or criticized. Timely feedback can be a game changer for your career trajectory, so let's …
Gain More Brand Visibility This Week
When my to-do list becomes overwhelming, I lose sight of the bigger picture and end the week feeling bad about myself for not accomplishing what I set out to do on Monday! Fortunately, a few months ago, I became involved in a weekly group meeting with colleagues I respect and admire as women and …