How often have you heard the saying, “Change is good?” And when you do, how often do you really believe it? Change invariably brings on a series of expected and unexpected events, so it’s not a surprise that we experience a bit of trepidation regarding the “unexpected” events. However, it’s these unexpected events that, more often than not, bring about the most interesting and surprising changes we didn’t think possible.
As a personal brand strategist, I have the distinct pleasure and honor of witnessing firsthand how change (small or large) can impact one’s life. By the time I finish my one-on-one coaching, my client’s body language changes; they stand taller, exude more confidence, and, most importantly, they are better equipped to communicate their value in the workplace.
After following up with my clients, they tell me how amazed they were at the initial reactions they received from their colleagues, friends, or family. One client was called into her manager’s office, where she was thanked for setting such a wonderful example for the rest of her team. Another client told me he couldn’t believe he had waited so long to make the change because he didn’t realize it would bring about many new personal and professional opportunities.
We are all creatures of habit. We like the security and comfort a routine brings us, but unfortunately, that can also lead to a stagnant existence. If you feel as if you are walking down that path, ask yourself if you are presenting your “best” self in all life’s endeavors, and if the answer is no, perhaps it’s time for a change. Who knows what could happen….
If you want to leverage your personal brand for career success, check out my top programs here!
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